Jose L. Abad Peiro 应用

Random Number Generators 1.1.0
This app generates random values of numbersbetween 0 and 1. The values are displayed graphically. If you seeunbalanced sequences of the distribution - this means randomness isnot playing random at that moment. Quantum theory of physicsapplied at macro world has some reasons
MeteoSailing 1.0
MeteoSailing is a simple and fun way tocheckout what will be the sea weather conditions for NorthEurope.
Pazo Vista Alegre 1.0.2
Una visita virtual al Pazo vista Alegredondedescubriras ideas para tu evento futuro, asi como la historiadellugar, la belleza de sus salones. Y tambien un historico deloseventos que han tenido lugar con nosotros.A tour of the ManorHouseAlegre where descubriras view ideas for your future event,also thehistory of the place, the beauty of its halls. And also anhistoricevents that have taken place with us.